Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Digital Is Here To Stay

The recent Book Expo in New York confirmed what many have been thinking: digital books are dominating the publishing world.  Indy authors are in control, publishers are not. You can publish everything from a short story to a novel on Amazon--by yourself. And there's a new company, BookBaby that will convert your manuscript straight to ePub and mobi which are the formats that allow ebooks to publish on ereaders and mobile devices and sold on major ebook stores. So what are you waiting for, get published!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Get My Books On Kindle!

Watch a book trailer for TARGETED!

Chicago Warriors Thriller Series

Watch a trailer for Gripped.

My Shelfari Bookshelf

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SIBA Signing

SIBA Signing

TotalRecall at SIBA

TotalRecall at SIBA

Debut Novel