Thursday, October 28, 2010

Disaster and Novelists

I'm posting a link to an article by Kris Saknussemm, one that I think is concise and helpful regarding how to avoid Total Disaster as a Novelist. I'll leave the meat and potatoes for you to read for yourself, but two important things I gleaned from the article are:

  1. Don't Experiment. Check to see what section your novel will be found in the bookstore, what author your work resembles, and be able to describe your book in three sentences or less.
  2. Read your work aloud. If I've learned anything from the Borders critique group, it's the importance of reading your work to others. Not only do you pick up on things you missed when you wrote it, but you can then determine if your story flows and makes sense.
Here's the link: Five Tips

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Looking For An Editor?

I've employed a new editor, Adele Brinkley. She just returned the manuscript for my third novel, Targeted, and I am extremely pleased with her work. She is thorough and efficient. Moreover, her fee is very reasonable. I highly recommend her work for those of you who have the need for an editor to review your novel, query letter, etc. If you're interested, contact her through her website: With Pen In Hand.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Getting Stalled On Page 100

I'm linking to an article written by an editor who addresses a couple of important topics concerning writers who run into a wall halfway through their work. She also addresses the difference between manuscripts that are written to sell versus those written to read. I hope you enjoy this piece:

(Image by Stik)


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